Sunday, June 16, 2013

25th St. Musical Bridge

Ok so this sounds really cool, and it's pretty cool, but it's not absolutely amazing. I mean, if you're in the area, check it out, but don't make a day trip out of it (unless you're going to go to the zoo afterwards like I did, or something).

It's a normal bridge that crosses a freeway (the 94, I think?), and cars drive over it but there's also a pedestrian walkway on one side. The railing that separates the cars from the people, though, is special. There are chimes, and if you hit them one at a time as you walk, it plays a song. It's pretty hard to hear with all the cars going by, and it's also hard to hit the chimes the right way, without hitting the plain metal bars near them. But it's a creative idea, and I think there should be more musical bridges!

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