Sunday, June 9, 2013

Chinese Historical Museum and New Children's Museum

I visited the New Children's Museum on the 2nd Sunday of the month, when it was free. It was pretty incredible. I also went to the San Diego Chinese Historical Museum on the same day (they're a few blocks apart, and there was a farmer's market along the way!). It was part of Museum Month, so I only had to pay $1 admission. The thing is, I only got one photo of each place! I don't know what I was thinking. So, here are the two photos. Both museums are pretty amazing, by the way. But the Chinese one probably isn't as interesting if you aren't Chinese, and the Children's one probably isn't that interesting if you don't have kids.

There's a main museum room, a garden with a koi pond, and then an annex museum room with even more exhibits!

I wish that the one photo I had of this place was of my favorite exhibit, the rock climbing wall! Alas, this is some metal sculpture called "Beast." It's pretty, though.
I think the the exhibits at the New Children's Museum rotate every few months (or every year, or something), and they are all on the same topic, then there are a few exhibits that stay all the time. The theme when I visited was "TRASH," and there were lots of recycled things and exhibits on how our trash affects things. There's also a clay play area, and a big-bubble-blowing area. I'd say it's good for ages 4 and up- not so interesting for the toddlers.

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