Saturday, June 1, 2013

What I Would Change

This blog is meant mainly for my own personal use, to practice blogging and see what I learn. Therefore, this post is for me to reflect on what I want to do differently for my real blog that I will start in SF, and which I hope other people will actually read.

  • KISS- give a short intro, then get to the photos
  • Give a photo overview: When taking and uploading photos, don't have several of the same angle, or the same objects; get different objects that help represent the place or activity.
  • Completion: If it's a playground, get all areas and all equipment, so people know what to expect.
  • Photograph entrances/signs: If people are trying to find a place, they will want to know how to get there. Photograph what it looks like when you get there, so people know what to look for.
  • Structure: Use a template to let people know, at a glance, the address, price, and other details (bathrooms? kid-friendly?)
  • Links: include links to the homepage of the place, or the yelp review (or both)
  • Save before the Storm: Visit several places and get photos before I start, so that I can post with some regularity (twice per week?)
  • Keep a folder or file with all the stuff I am planning to post but have not posted yet, so that I can remember and not leave stuff out

I think that's it! I'll add to this if I think of more stuff. 
If anyone happens to read this and you have ideas for what makes a good blog, please comment!

I think I will need to visit places more than once in order to make a good blog post about them. I will have to visit once for myself, to explore how I want to, but then I will have to go back and make sure I take photos that help someone who's never been there. I may have to scan in hand-drawn maps, and I should be extra sure to find all the links I can, because it's always nice to have the official information. I noticed that when looking at other sites, it's all fine and dandy if they show photos of what's there, but it's frustrating when I can't find those things, because they didn't explain how to get there. I'm thinking it might be better as a website as opposed to a blog. Maybe if I open a childcare, it can be a portion of the childcare's website, and it can be a resource for parents, and possibly draw people in to the childcare page. Hmmmm..... 

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