Monday, September 2, 2013

Reuben H. Fleet Science Center

I shared about this before, in the December Nights post, but today I went back to the Reuben H. Fleet Science Center, with the free pass from the public library (you have to put it on hold for a few months). I thought I would spend longer there, but I only spent 2 hours, then I was bored so I left. It's cool, but only 2 hours worth of cool. 

Special Demonstration of UAVs: Unmanned Air-something Vehicles. In other words, drones. 

Various sources of power: fossil fuels, nuclear, hydroelectric, geothermal, solar, and wind

Ok, you can't tell, but on the right side of the photo, my hand is going downward, and my fingers (of the same hand) are pointing upwards. What?!? It's a convex mirror, or something like that. The spring is actually underneath. 

The Duck Kaleidoscope (that's what I've always called it; there's one at the Exploratoriun in SF)

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