Sunday, October 27, 2013

Dana Point Elephant Parade

Ok, I know Dana Point is not in San Diego, and also the point of this blog is to give people ideas of activities they can do, and after November 17 no one will be able to do this anymore, BUT it was SO COOL so I HAD to make a post about it. I love elephants!!!

In Dana Point through November 17, there's something called the Elephant Parade, which is raising awareness and money for Asian Elephant Conservation. The elephants are life-size statues of baby elephants that have been decorated by various artists and celebrities. They are on display all around Dana Point, in public areas and sponsoring hotels (and anyone can go to the hotels to see them). There are also half-size replicas of elephants that have been around Europe. From November 10-17, I believe the elephants will all be in one place, as part of the "closing ceremonies."

Here they are!

Obviously, not an elephant, but a cool mosaic art piece

This one was inside a building that had already closed. It took me a long time to find it, because I didn't think to look inside!

This elephant has a hole in the side, and a diorama inside. The following pictures are of the interior.