Sunday, October 27, 2013

Lake Miramar

I was looking for a place to feed ducks, and this is the best I found. It's not good to feed ducks white bread (it's like junk food), but you can feed them cracked corn, dry dog food, and romaine lettuce. I think the best place to feed them is by the boat house dock. It's also a great place for biking, running, walking, fishing, or renting boats and kayaks. I rode around the approximately 4-mile loop (I think that's how long it was, because there were trail markers, but I'm not sure) on my scooter. One half of the lake is a reservoir, and it's blocked off; the other half has the fishing dock and the boat rental place.

My mom's name is Natalie, so of course I had to take a photo of the sign

Nice paved road all around the lake (it's paved best for bicycles; for my kick scooter, it was a bit bumpier than I'd have liked)

Here's the best place to feed ducks that I saw

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