Sunday, October 27, 2013

Spruce St. Suspension Bridge

Did you know there's a suspension bridge in the middle of the city? Well there is, spanning a canyon near Balboa Park. It was terrifying, I tell you. I was so scared going across that instead of going back the way I came, I climbed down to the canyon, walked across and climbed back up the other side. The bridge is on Spruce Street. First go to the intersection of Spruce and Front, then walk down Spruce, away from 1st Ave., towards what might look like a dead end or a bunch of trees. There's the bridge! Be wary of other people, because anyone else on the bridge makes it rock and vibrate, and it's even worse if they're trying to scare you. 

Looking back the way I came

Looking down into the canyon

I made it!

From the canyon below

Really cool house, just there in the canyon

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