Sunday, October 27, 2013

Living Coast Discovery Center

FYI I think this place is scheduled to close on October 28, which is tomorrow (as of the writing of this post, obviously), but there was some hope it would stay open if they could get funding. So, make sure you check before you try to go. It's definitely worth a visit if you can, but I can see how they'd have a hard time staying open, what with Sea World so close, as well as the Birch Aquarium and the aquarium at Legoland.

It's basically an aquarium, though it has some birds and other exhibits as well. It's on the coast, and it's beautiful, but it's pretty small.

Dory and Nemo! (well, Dory really spends more time with Marlin, but everyone says Nemo anyway)



Octopus hiding in a shell

Moon Jellies (fyi, I use the term Jellies and not Jellyfish, because technically they are not fish. Same as how Sea Stars are not Starfish. Scientists care, I think, but most other people don't)

Some kind of poisonous frog

A lobster and a shark, I think?

More Jellies!



Couldn't get enough of the sea turtles!

Rebus shark quiz

Walrus skull


I think I was trying to get a photo of a lizard. Let me know if you see it. 

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