Friday, May 31, 2013

San Diego History Center

This is one of the museums in Balboa Park. It's pretty cool, though not spectacular, and it's free on the 3rd Tuesday of the month (I think).

I wish I had taken more photos here- the exhibit was an entire history of San Diego, and it was really cool.

Tuna exhibit!

Monday, May 20, 2013

San Diego Botanical Building

This is like an open-air greenhouse, in Balboa Park. It's very similar to the Conservatory of Flowers in SF, without the special exhibit room. Best of all, it's free!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Museum of Contemporary Art (La Jolla)

This museum is a bit odd, but it's pretty cool. It's free if you're 25 years old or under. There's another Museum of Contemporary Art downtown, and I went there too, but I didn't take photos.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Christmas Lights- Clairemont

There are lots of slightly crazy but quite wonderful people who go overboard with the Christmas lights. The only one close enough to me to be worth visiting is in Clairemont, and I went last year. It was pretty impressive, I must say. It was a whole circular block of houses, all decorated quite elaborately. Some people also sell hot chocolate or cider, for you to sip as you walk around. Sorry that these photos don't do them justice- they're from my phone (any photo with a green date in the upper right corner, will always been from my phone). You'll just have to go visit them yourself to see how spectacular they are!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Mount Soledad Memorial Cross

This is about a 10-minute walk from my work, and I go here sometimes to read, or on walks with my kids. It's beautiful!

This is part of the view; the view of the beach is even better, but unfortunately I didn't take a picture of that.  
I took my parents here when they visited!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

San Diego Natural History Museum

During Museum Month, one of the museums I visited was the SDNat. It was pretty cool. I especially enjoyed the films, one of which showed at the Academy of Sciences (in SF) for a year, and which I had missed probably more than one should miss a 3D educational film. FYI, the Nat is free on the first Tuesday of every month, to San Diego residents (bring an ID with your address on it, or an ID plus a recent electricity bill with your address on it; they're pretty nice about it and don't check too closely).  Sorry I did not take more spectacular photos.

Ginormous fake chocolate (the chocolate exhibit was really cool)