Saturday, May 4, 2013

Free Concerts

Today I went to Kit Carson Park, and experienced Queen Califia's Magical Circle, which was amazing. But I don't want to take the time to upload those photos now, so I am going to post about something that I did last summer, which was going to lots of free concerts! They should be starting again soon, now that summer is approaching. I don't remember exactly which parks I went to for the concerts, but I will list them if I remember, with each photo. Here they are! (All the photos were taken with my phone, not my normal camera, so they're not very high quality)

This was the La Jolla Riford Branch Library, on a Sunday afternoon. It was a youth concert, with 3 youth who had won awards for their music. There was piano and cello, and it was quite amazing. I think the libraries have events year-round, you just have to look for them. 
Speaking of library concerts, this was a hula performance (kind of like a concert) at the North Clairemont Branch Library in February. The North Clairemont branch is my normal library, and they seem to have concerts or performances about once per month, on at Tuesday or Wednesday at 6:30. They're really great!

This was part of the Twilight in the Park concert series, in Balboa Park. I think I went to 4 or 5 of these concerts (on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays all throughout the summer) but I guess I only took pictures at one of them. 

I just found out I can add a caption! Well, this photo as well as the one below are from a movie in the park night , in Ocean Beach. I don't remember the name of the park. We watched We Bought a Zoo. 

Other concerts I went to in Summer 2012:

  • Point Loma Park (it was huge!)
  • Kate Sessions Park (La Jolla/PB)
  • Bird Park (North Park)
  • Pioneer Park (Mission Hills)
  • Coronado Concerts in the Park (Spreckels Park- the one in the center, along Orange Ave.)
  • Coronado Ferry Landing (this was more like people playing music for people to listen to as they shop/eat/walk, as opposed to a real concert, but there was a small grassy area to sit and listen)
This summer, I want to go to even more!! 

If you want to find free summer concerts all over San Diego County, just google "Free concerts San Diego" or something similar. You can also try "free summer movies in San Diego." I know Balboa Park has movie nights in the summer, hosted by the Museum of Art (I think).

Remember to bring a blanket or seat, a jacket, and snacks!

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