Saturday, November 16, 2013

Julian Hiking and Pie

My friends and I went to Julian with the intent to hike and then have pie.There was this waterfall hike that I really wanted to do, but it was a bit too long for some people, so we decided to do a shorter, easier hike. However, I still wanted to do the waterfall hike (even though I knew there wouldn't be much of a waterfall in November), so I found a couple of guys to go with me, and the three of us did 2 hikes. Then we all had pie! Unfortunately, no one got any photos of the pie, because we ate it too fast.

Lots of people like to jump into the pool, though you're not allowed to. You're allowed to swim, though. No one was swimming today, though, because the water was a bit murky, having been stagnant for awhile. 


Trees actually change color in Julian!

There's a waterfall here, too, in the spring

Our group- minus my friend who was taking the photo (she's in other ones further down)

Volcan (not Vulcan) Mountain

Fancy trailhead

At the top!

The hikes we did were called the Cedar Creek Falls trail (the Julian trailhead), which was about 5 miles, and the Five Oaks trail, which was about 3 miles. We then ate pie at the Julian Pie Company, and walked around downtown Julian a bit. There's a fun tea shop, and a candy store, and several different pie places. 

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