Sunday, November 3, 2013

Mt. Woodson Hike

This is probably one of the most photographed hikes in San Diego, because of the famous Potato Chip Rock. I gotta say, it's pretty cool. Apparently there are a few different ways to do this hike, the long way or the short, steep way. My friends and I did the short way because, well, I'm lazy, and the goal was to get to Potato Chip Rock, not to prove our hiking abilities. The long way goes around Lake Poway; the short way is actually a paved access road that starts from highway 67, or something like that. Being from San Francisco, my legs are used to the steepness and it didn't bother me at all, but some other people said they were pretty sore afterwards, from using those different muscles. Go early so it's not too hot (and it's better in the spring or fall rather than the summer, as well), bring plenty of water, and have fun!

There it is!

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