Friday, December 27, 2013

Goodbye (Almost)!

Well, my internet is getting cut off tomorrow, and then I am moving out of San Diego on Monday, so this is my last post in San Diego. I plan to go explore Coronado on Saturday and so when I get to SF I will post those photos, and that will be the last post for this blog, ever (well, in the foreseeable future), but since this is my last post in San Diego, I just wanted to say goodbye, and thanks for putting up with my wordiness and lack of usefulness in actually helping you to find these places that I have explored. I hope that if you've read through this blog it has inspired you to go have an adventure of your own! Ok I will stop being cheesy now. I'm pretty happy with my success rate; I completed pretty much everything that I had real interest in, though there certainly would be more to do if I were going to keep living here.

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them here!

And, I've mentioned it before, but if you are interested, I'm going to be starting a blog in SF, which I'm really excited about, so feel free to check out Just Another San Francisco Day (, hehe :-)

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Balboa Park Rose Garden and Desert Garden

Balboa Park has lots of very nice gardens. The first day after I moved to San Diego, I stumbled across these gardens and I couldn't believe they were just there for people to enjoy! I've wanted to come back ever since just to walk around, but I didn't get to until this week. I don't know when roses are normally in bloom, but they were bold and beautiful in the middle of December! 

I took a little detour from the Desert Garden and just kept walking along a path I found. There was a whole bunch of chocolate flower bushes! I don't know if that's the official name, but they smell like chocolate, and that's what one of the guides at the San Diego Botanical Garden called them. 

UCSD Stuart Collection

UCSD would have been my first choice if I had gone away for college, and I had never even seen the campus. After visiting today, I've affirmed that I made the right (albeit irrelevant) decision.
The Stuart Collection is a series of public art pieces scattered throughout the campus. There is a website that has videos of each piece, but I didn't know that when I went. I only had a map and a list of the pieces, so as I walked around I just had to guess what the pieces were. By pure luck, I found them all!

Red Shoe
Not part of the Stuart Collection, but cool anyway. It was part of this really fun garden path. 

La Jolla Vista View


Untitled; I really didn't know that this was the art piece, but it was in the right spot so I took a photo just in case, since I couldn't figure out what else it might be. Good thing, because that's exactly what it was!

Virtues and Vices

Falling Star

Bear: This one is my favorite!

Falling Star; the website said it's open to the public Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11-2, but I guess it wasn't when I went because of the holidays.

Snake Path



Something Pacific


Green Table

Sun God

Running V Forms


La Jolla Project