Thursday, December 26, 2013

UCSD Stuart Collection

UCSD would have been my first choice if I had gone away for college, and I had never even seen the campus. After visiting today, I've affirmed that I made the right (albeit irrelevant) decision.
The Stuart Collection is a series of public art pieces scattered throughout the campus. There is a website that has videos of each piece, but I didn't know that when I went. I only had a map and a list of the pieces, so as I walked around I just had to guess what the pieces were. By pure luck, I found them all!

Red Shoe
Not part of the Stuart Collection, but cool anyway. It was part of this really fun garden path. 

La Jolla Vista View


Untitled; I really didn't know that this was the art piece, but it was in the right spot so I took a photo just in case, since I couldn't figure out what else it might be. Good thing, because that's exactly what it was!

Virtues and Vices

Falling Star

Bear: This one is my favorite!

Falling Star; the website said it's open to the public Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11-2, but I guess it wasn't when I went because of the holidays.

Snake Path



Something Pacific


Green Table

Sun God

Running V Forms


La Jolla Project

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